CRUXEval-input: by models

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p-values for model pairs

The null hypothesis is that model A and B each have a 1/2 chance to win whenever they are different, ties are ignored. The p-value is the chance under the null-hypothesis to get a difference as extreme as the one observed. For all pairs of models, this mainly depends on the difference in accuracy. Hover over each model pair for detailed information.

p-values vs. differences

The range of possible p-values vs. the difference in accuracy over all pairs.

Differences vs inconsistencies

Here is a more informative figure of the source information used to compute p-value. Any model pair to the right of the parabola is statistically different from each other at the given level. This plot shows a pretty sharp transition since there are no model pairs with a small #A_win + #B_win, which rules out significant results at a small difference in |#A_win-#B_win|. For more explanation see doc.

Results table by model

We show 3 methods currently used for evaluating code models, raw accuracy used by benchmarks, average win-rate over all other models (used by BigCode), and Elo (Bradly-Terry coefficients following Chatbot Arena). Average win-rate always have good correlation with Elo. GPT-3.5 gets an ELO of 1000 when available, otherwise the average is 1000.

model pass1 std win_rate elo
gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09+cot 75.7% 0.78% 87.8% 1289.9
gpt-4o+cot 75.6% 0.71% 87.7% 1283.1
gpt-4-0613+cot 75.5% 0.88% 89.3% 1311.2
claude-3-opus-20240229+cot 73.4% 0.00% 85.7% 1256.1
gpt-4-0613 69.8% 0.43% 84.7% 1239.0
gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09 68.5% 0.43% 84.0% 1229.8
gpt-4o 65.1% 0.42% 80.1% 1186.8
claude-3-opus-20240229 64.2% 0.00% 77.3% 1152.2
gpt-3.5-turbo-0613+cot 50.3% 1.10% 54.7% 986.5
codellama-34b+cot 50.1% 0.93% 55.6% 996.4
codetulu-2-34b 49.2% 0.69% 56.1% 1001.1
gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 49.0% 0.55% 56.2% 1000.0
codellama-13b+cot 47.4% 0.85% 52.3% 981.3
codellama-34b 47.2% 0.71% 51.8% 975.9
phind 47.2% 0.61% 52.4% 973.9
deepseek-base-33b 46.5% 0.71% 50.7% 966.7
deepseek-instruct-33b 46.5% 0.65% 51.7% 967.9
codellama-python-34b 43.9% 0.70% 48.2% 947.9
wizard-34b 42.7% 0.60% 44.4% 918.5
codellama-13b 42.5% 0.76% 43.0% 930.3
deepseek-base-6.7b 41.9% 0.70% 40.2% 902.9
magicoder-ds-7b 41.7% 0.63% 42.4% 912.7
codellama-7b+cot 40.4% 0.95% 38.4% 880.1
codellama-python-13b 39.7% 0.75% 38.0% 883.9
mixtral-8x7b 39.3% 0.75% 36.9% 870.6
deepseek-instruct-6.7b 37.4% 0.60% 34.7% 854.8
codellama-python-7b 37.3% 0.65% 35.0% 867.4
wizard-13b 36.5% 0.60% 33.7% 845.2
codellama-7b 36.0% 0.69% 30.8% 837.6
mistral-7b 35.0% 0.69% 32.1% 843.7
phi-2 31.6% 0.70% 26.6% 798.0
starcoderbase-16b 31.3% 0.70% 24.5% 776.4
starcoderbase-7b 29.7% 0.65% 22.7% 760.3
deepseek-base-1.3b 27.8% 0.60% 20.3% 735.7
deepseek-instruct-1.3b 27.2% 0.55% 22.3% 754.8
phi-1.5 23.2% 0.70% 18.1% 704.2
phi-1 13.1% 0.41% 8.9% 551.6